If you have been notified that you are a Kogar Award Winner then this is where you should be to get the HTML and graphic.


Please read more about the Award.

award.gif     Copy This Graphic and ultimately store it on your site's server.

(If you need instructions on how to do this, email )

Here is the HTML code to copy and insert in your page.  REMEMBER to reference the award.gif on YOUR server.

<A href="http://bobburns.mycottage.com">
<img src="REFERENCE THE award.gif in the location on your server here!" alt="Bob Burns Kogar Award" border="0"></A>

1) You may, if your wish, add the following text before the image tag "This site has received the Bob Burns Kogar Award"

2) You may left, right or center justify the text and graphic and you may include it in a <TABLE> if you like.

It should look about like this:

This site has received
the Bob Burns
Kogar Award
Bob Burns Kogar Award

If you have any questions, please email

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