The Official Bob Burns Web Site
Book Signing 1


Bob Burns at Dark Delicacies, Los Angels CA
(December 16, 2000)
Submitted by Craig Endler
Bob's #1 Fan in Canyon Country, CA

Bob's book, "IT CAME FROM BOB’S BASEMENT," was not to be released until around March. However, in mid-December a few pre-release issues made their way to Dark Delicacies, a Los Angels book store. Of course, word got out that Bob was going to appear to do a book signing. Officially, Bob's signing was supposed to start at 2:00 P.M. and end at 4:00 P.M. Bob arrived around twelve o'clock noon to find many people already waiting to meet and greet him.

Craig and Bob
Craig Endler with Bob

Dark Delicacies was the ideal place for the first book signing of Bob’s first book, "IT CAME FROM BOB’S BASEMENT." Dark Delicacies is a small, independent, specialty bookstore. They cater to people who love Science Fiction, Horror, Fantasy, Weird, and Goth genres. Along with their extensive stock of well known and hard to find books, they also carry models, posters, toys, and gifts, all related to this niche of enthusiasts. It’s a world to explore, loaded with surprising delights and the fun of finding things that you didn't know you needed or wanted, until you went inside.

Book with Steve Neill
Photo submitted by Kathe Duba-Barnett
Bob with Steve Neill. (He is Bob's friend who got him in on the Mac Tonight commercals. He built the Moon puppet head!)

Bob with Joe Dante and Bill Warren
Photo submitted by Kathe Duba-Barnett
Bob signing with Joe Dante (the wonderful director who did GREMLINS etc.) and Bill Warren. Bob Skotak and IB Melchior are seated next to Bob.

That day, "the star attraction" was Bob himself. Bob was shocked and surprised at the turn out. Humbled and overwhelmed by the gathering of friends and fans, Bob appeared to be looking over his shoulder to search for "the real reason" so many people were attending. It was not unlike the time, a few years before, when friends had staged a tribute to Bob. If you have ever heard the expression, "a deer caught in the headlights," that was Bob that evening and again at his book signing.

Bob's Basement Cake
Photo submitted by Kathe Duba-Barnett
Cake specially made for Bob decorated with art from the cover of his book.

Kathy Burns, Bob’s wife through all these years of wonder was at his side to share this great day. She had her camera with her to capture the cherished moments for their family photo album. (Kathy is a great photographer--her photos grace CD liners, win awards, and turn up in some unexpected places.)

Of course, a Burns Family Photo Album is like no other in the world. But if you have a notion that Bob’s book is just a collection of interesting pictures, you’d be smart to snap that notion out of your head straight-away!

With Jim McPherson
Photo submitted by Kathe Duba-Barnett
Bob:  "Jim McPherson (one of the most creative guys I know.)"


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Original site created on September 29, 1997 and updated 05/15/17.